Online ordering system for restaurants with multiple locations

We’re pleased to let everyone know that our online ordering system supports multi-location restaurants. It follows that multiple restaurants could be created and managed under the exact same umbrella, with the principal advantage of sharing the promotions and menu.

This is only the first from several releases that we’ve intended for chains. In this post we’ll cover what we have today, as well as a fast glance into the near future.

Our multi-location approach for the internet ordering system
Any restaurant account could be changed to be a part of a series.

The idea is simple: place specifics (such as address, opening hours, delivery support etc) are handled by obtaining every place, in the restaurant port you know today. Common settings (such as promotions and menu) are handled at chain level, from that particular parent accounts.

Menu management
So here is how we solved the menu sharing among locations.

From the dashboard there is a section called Menus.

If not all places can operate with a single menu, you may simply create numerous versions by copying an existing one or starting from scratch. You can create as many menus as you would like and you’ll be able to assign the places to the menus as required.

Branded mobile program
The branded cellular program has been enhanced to work “in chain-mode” as well. All the locations become listed under the exact same program, allowing your client to pick the place to purchase from.

Author : Online eMenu – Online e-menu app, eMenu Ordering System,  mobile food ordering app, online food software

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