Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy - Online eMenu

This legal document issuing the Terms and Services developed under the govern law of the state, which permits you to use and access the services offered by Online eMenu for the usage of our developed websites and applications and are covered under this agreement. As per our terms, as a customer you are enable to use the services given by us after the acceptance of the required conditions. To become our partner, to use our offered services you must agree with these Terms. According to the our law of Terms and Services, the following terms is appplicable on each visitor, user, and all the other individuals who want to accses the application to use the services.

Links to other websites

Any kind of interruption or disturbance of third party is not owned and controlled by the services of Online eMenu.

We, the Online eMenu, anyhow is not responsible for the content, data security in case of hacking or other, privacy policy, any kind of lack in access and practice of application or website of any third party or outer services. Being our customer, you need to agree that we, "Online eMenu", is not liable or responsible of leakage in offered services such as damage, loss, or any outsider interaction.

We strongly suggest you to read this document carefully for the applied Terms and Services and Privacy Policy covered under the deal and for the finalization of the deal. These terms and services are open till the end of the deal or the contract.

Online ordering system powered by Online eMenu

In the condition of the cancellation of the placed order through the online food ordering platform powered by the Online eMenu are subjected to the fulfillment and completed by the dealer who own this online ordering system from us, a dealer have all the rights to manage all the critical issues regarding the order cancellation and the refund. In such kind of issues, disputes and misconception between the dealer and the customer, Online eMenu shall not be liable.

Governing Law

This legal document for the offerd services along with terms and services for the entire usage and access of our developed web portal to order food online, is constructed and governed by keeping in mind and under the Indian law of merchantry, which did not conflict the law of provision.

In case of failure in any rights and provision of our terms and services will not be considered as a waiver of the law of terms and services. If any condition, this terms and services is supposed to be invalid by the law and court, the remainning terms and provision will be remain same untill the due date of the respective deal.


We reserve all the rights in the direction towards the modification and replacement of any condition and clause of these terms and services. In case of violation of any of our term or in any serious issue regarding the failure of the contract, we are liable to provide a notice regarding that before the 30-business days of the deal calcellation. We assure that this will not affect our business terms anyhow, and you are again contact us in future to take the benifits of our online ordering system services. Besides this, to continue with us and to get the access and usage of our services after the rivision, once again you must be agree with our revised and new terms. If you feels not agree with the newly added terms, we are requested you to stop using our services for online food ordering system instantly.

Get in touch us

If you have any queries regarding these terms and services, please contact us here:

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